Still looking for a solution
to your health problem?
Patients often come to us after trying many treatments without success.
Successful treatment requires two things: an accurate diagnosis and an understanding of its underlying causes.

If you find yourself on a treatment treadmill, it may be because the cause of your health problem has not been identified.
For example:
- Recurring ear, nose or throat infections could be due to allergies, immune challenges or nutritional deficiency.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may be caused by poor gut flora, parasitic infection or gall bladder problems, to name a few.
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) may develop after a viral infection, exposure to moulds, chemicals, trauma or stress.
- Understanding why autistic children have physical and mental function issues, like sleeplessness, mood disturbance, gut pain, yeast infection, nutritional deficiencies or food sensitivities is crucial to getting off the treatment treadmill.
At Karuna Healthcare
We use a step-by-step process of looking for underlying causes of a health problem. Once these are found, the treatment path is clearer and more effective.
We use a Four Step Process to approach health problems like Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other ongoing, unresponsive illnesses.

We use a Four-Step Process to approach health problems like Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other ongoing, unresponsive illnesses.

Come, browse and learn from the information we offer in our ‘Frequently Asked Questions.’
If you have other questions, please email : [email protected]

Please note that the Therapeutic Goods Administration regulations in Australia permit therapeutic advice to be provided only within the context of a consultation.
5/77 Meadow Street
Tarrawanna NSW 2518 Australia - 02 4228 0977
- [email protected]
21 Hambridge Road
Yerrinbool NSW 2575 Australia - 02 4883 9639
- [email protected]
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